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Finding Your Niche Market

Finding Your Niche Market Finding Your Niche Market

Finding your niche market as a small business owner is incredibly important. Being able to ensure that you're catering to your niche market properly allows you to find your most ideal customer base and build your products and services to fit their needs! Here are a few helpful tips on how to achieve this: 


- Identify who your niche market is! You can do this by;


a) Deciding what you want your business/products/services to focus around; this should stem from your interests, passions, and values. Click here to read our previous post on How To Create A Business Idea That You're Passionate About for more information! 


b) Research and survey the potential target market for the products/services that you've created from the previous step! Create surveys through Survey Monkey to analyze customer comments, concerns, needs, and pain points. 


c) Research your competition by utilizing Facebook, Instagram and Googling keywords that pertain to your niche market. Try asking yourself some of these questions: Do you have competition? How can you differentiate yourself from your competition? Do you bring a different element to the market? Is the market too oversaturated? Can you see a way to insert yourself into this niche market or do you need to adjust to another one? Adjust your business plan from here. 


d) Research if your ideas will be profitable and are worth turning into a business or pivoting your current business model to accommodate by crunching numbers, speaking to an accountant or business consultant and using the previous research to see if you will be able to break even and eventually make a profit from catering to your chosen niche market. 


e) Try testing out catering to your niche market and adjust your business model and plan according to your results! 


- After the initial switch of catering to your niche market, make sure to continually focus on making sure that your products and services are optimized to your niche market/customer base as much as possible 


- Focus on SEO and creating organic growth through the utilization of SEO keywords on your website and in blog posts, as well as targeted hashtags on your Instagram.


- Once you've found your optimal niche market, stick with it! Become specialized in delivering what your niche market needs so that you stand out from other brands on an ongoing basis 


- Invest in your digital marketing strategy to allow your niche to understand your brand and connect with you via social media platforms. Try out some tips from this blog post, How To Keep Your Business' Brand Identity At The Forefront Of Your Customer's Minds.


By slowly and steadily implementing this aspect into your business plan, you will help your niche market find you and keep coming back! Want more info on how to create a business plan? Click here to read a previous blog post, entitled How To Create A Business Plan You Will Be Excited To Follow! Or, click here to check out our Redefining Barter Blog gallery for more small business-related tips... 


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