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How To Maintain Mental Health And Wellness For You And Your Staff

How To Maintain Mental Health And Wellness For You And Your Staff How To Maintain Mental Health And Wellness For You And Your Staff

Supporting your mental health & wellness should always be a top priority, as mental wellness is important for every person, in every industry, everywhere! Encouraging mental wellness should be a part of your business plan for the benefit of your team and yourself, as everyone deserves to feel at their best as much as possible. It's quite difficult for a person to function properly, let alone be engaged at work and doing well in their job without first making sure that they are taking care of themselves from the inside out! Some simple but effective tips on how to keep up on your mental health practices are to: 

- Find a calming/relaxing hobby that helps you take care of your mental health and makes you feel recharged after completing it (yoga, meditation, a self-care practice, walking outside, and painting are all great options to start with)

- Take mental health days when needed (breaks from work, time alone, time with friends, time to complete your calming/relaxing hobby, and time to catch up on your sleep are great ways to de-stress during a mental health day)

- Create a daily/weekly/monthly plan with a multi-pronged approach to make managing and maintaining your mental health a non-negotiable priority: i.e. - Talking to a doctor/naturopath/therapist regularly, marking off time to make your mental health a priority, reaching out to a family member or friend for support, looking into local resources that are available to you, or whatever you think will help your mental health out the most, as this plan should be very personal to your own needs!

-Ensure that your work environment is a healthy and happy place where you and your team feel you can be productive. Read more on how to accomplish that from a previous blog post by clicking here... 

It's important to create time and space to continuously maintain mental health and wellness so that you have a plan in place to help yourself through difficult times, instead of trying to find your way through once you're already feeling in over your head - as that is simply added stress that could be avoided by practising proper mental health hygiene. Begin by trying out some of these strategies to create a mental health plan and encourage your team to do the same!

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